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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The WOW factor

A lot of people would like to know what automobile salespeople talk about in their morning meetings. This is the stuff of legend, the "behind closed doors" conversations that reveal the true nature of the beast.  Well, at Harte Infiniti Live, you can get the inside scoop.

The main topic of this morning's meeting was "The WOW factor". That's right, not how to arm wrestle your clients, or overcome them with some kind of insidious verbal judo, simply how to WOW them ! What are we going to do today that will make our clients say "Wow !"

Now the fact of the matter is that the phrase "exceeding expectations" has become one of the most overused in the industry today. Exceeding expectations is often a rather simple matter, because the bar in a lot of cases is set pretty low. If people think an experience is going to be terrible, and it turns out to be not quite so bad, you have exceeded their expectations ! What we are talking about is achieving all around excellence. That is the Wow factor.

When you are surrounded every day by precision, quality, and automotive excellence, that feeling can get into your soul. People who are consumed with a desire to be the best, naturally attract others who are of a like mind. Over time, that can create an extremely powerful bond and a focus that is palpable. Excellence gravitates toward excellence as surely as the truth is always the truth. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Harte Infiniti challenges everyone to create the "Wow Factor" for one other person in your life today.
We guarantee it will make you both feel special !

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