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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do You Have A Personal Assistant ?...Want one ?

I just wanted to take a minute to provide you with some information on an exciting new program we are offering called I.P.A. or Infiniti Personal Assistant. This potentially invaluable service is an industry first, and currently available through no other manufacturer. It is designed to enhance the Infiniti Total Ownership experience in ways that you may not yet have imagined.

Have you ever wished that you had a personal assistant ? That would be someone who could perform clerical or scheduling tasks, answer questions or search for information, provide dining suggestions and make reservations, look up movie schedules and reviews, do price comparisons, alert you with stock market information, or simply give you the score to last night’s game. That person is your I.P.A., and he or she is a direct cell phone call away, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, waiting to respond to anything, anytime, anywhere.

Make no mistake, this is not “press 1 for” this or “please hold for” that. Your dedicated I.P.A. is a real person, located in the USA, who will greet you by name and have access to your previous preferences and information on file. I.P.As undergo rigorous training in the latest search techniques, problem solving, and effective communications strategies. Information and services can be received by voice, text, or email, and are incredibly fast and accurate. The only answer you’ll never get is “No”.

Every new Infiniti vehicle now comes with a four year subscription to this service, a suggested retail value of $499. Remember, this service is directed to your cell phone, not necessarily your automobile, so it can be used in the office, on vacations, on business trips, or any time that you need access to information or assistance. If you should decide to switch vehicles before your subscription is up, the service stays with you.

So next time you need a wake up or appointment reminder call, need to know the best way to treat a jellyfish sting, or need a good joke to kick off your meeting, simply dial up your I.P.A. What ? …You don’t have an I.P.A. ? Well, if you call me at Harte Infiniti, I can sign you up for a free 30 day promo account so you can see just what this service can do for you. Infiniti Personal Assistant…just another way that Infiniti provides a finely tuned, anticipatory ownership experience for the world’s most discerning drivers.

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