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Monday, August 29, 2011

Gone With The Wind...

The fierce winds of Hurricane Irene have literally changed the landscape of 150 Weston Street. All but one of our Callery Pear trees, which have provided shade to the center of the lot adjacent to the sales and service parking areas for many years, were taken by the storm. These beautifully shaped trees welcomed the change of seasons with their white blossoms in early spring and their brilliant multi-colored foliage which lasted until late fall. They provided perches for numerous birds ( often to the displeasure of our lot attendants ), and fluttered in the breeze due to their long stemmed leaves.

However, as was noted in my blog post dated June 1, 2011, " The only liability of this species is its poor branching habit, which renders the tree a sitting duck for major branch shearing at times of high winds or heavy ice load. This is caused by the numerous weak crotch angles, due to the vertical co-dominant central leaders that repeat up and down the canopy, with narrow angles of separation betwen the vertical branches, having little strength at their points of attachment to each other. " Unfortunately, these words have proven to be sadly prophetic, and I for one, will miss these trees.

Harte Infiniti sincerely hopes that all of our customers, families, and friends, have weathered the storm, and hopes that we can all soon return to our normal routines with an enhanced sense of the power of nature, and a deeper appreciation for a calm and tranquil weather day.

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